Irrashai. Welcome once again to my new and slightly revamped page of
badger-sniffing hilarity. There's some new logos and crap, but that's
about it. I've added a Trigun shrine, as that's my obsession of the
moment. I hope to add bunches of perty icons and mp3s to that section.
Keep lookin' at it. By the way, I know there is already 200,000 Trigun
fan-sites called Rakuen. I DON'T CARE!! I like the Japanese word Rakuen.
It's perty. My Trigun site is not affiliated with any other sites called
Rakuen. So there. Also, I've started work on a book/story of sorts.
I'll perhaps post that once I feel it's viewable and not apt to make
you leap from your chair and projectile vomit onto the cat. The cat
doesn't deserve that. Plus, I'm also working on a Trigun fanfic. As
always, I work, perhaps in vain, on my manga. Maybe I'll start drawing
it, when cucumbers fly. But anyways, thanks for pausing to look at this
pile-of-hamster-dung site. You are wonderful. I kiss your feet. Please
come back from time to time. I promise to update!! I promise!!
BTW, here's my address for the site, monaseimail@woh.rr.com.
You may click it. I promise no death-peaches will spring from the screen.
If you think I'm weird....Get used to it. My parents did.
Happy birthday to me.
School again...Ho hum. Funnnnnn. Well...At least I get to play around
with Adobe Photoshop 7 and all kinds of expensive new electronic equipment.
We got new comps and monitors this year in IT...And they upgraded to
Windows XP. This is my last year. I hope it'll be good, I hope I'll
be less unpopular this year. Yeees. I would definately not miss the
unpopularness. I don't want to be popular, because 90% of my school
are ignorant cretins. No, better make it about 99%. ::cough- cough-I-really-don't-have-a-superiority-complex-cough-cough::
But I would like to be at least mid-line popular, popular enough that
people leave me alone and try to be civil towards me.
They stuck me in General English again. The bastards!!! They told me
I would have Honors English this year! I wanna be in smart peoples classeys
with all the smart peoplees with da big brain-thingys. Dee-Hurrrrrr.